How To Write Paragraphs

Ever wonder if you’re writing paragraphs correctly? If so, this article is for you as I am going to go over the components of a paragraph.

I’ve been tutoring English for a while now and a lot of my students don’t know how to write paragraphs properly.

They know what a paragraph is and can write a group of sentences that technically make a paragraph, but they don’t know how to order the sentences correctly.

I set out to find some worksheets that I could use to help them with it. While going through the books, I noticed that writing good paragraphs isn’t as easy as I once thought.

There are many components that go into it and you have to order the sentences right or else it will be confusing for the reader to read.

So, since writing paragraphs is more confusing than I once believed, I decided to write this post to help you learn the components of the paragraph.

There seem to be a lot of people out there who don’t know how and I think this article will help.

First off, there are 3 components (or sentences) to a paragraph (kind of like in an essay): the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, and the concluding sentence.

The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph or what the paragraph is about.


  • California is a great place to visit if you want to try a variety of foods.

The supporting sentences are sentences that support the main idea or topic. There is usually more than one supporting sentence in each paragraph and these should be organized either chronologically or by importance.


  • It has a range of cuisines from Asian to Mexican.
  • One of its best restaurants, in my opinion, is In N’ Out.
  • In N’ Out is a hamburger restaurant that only uses fresh ingredients in its meals.

The concluding sentence is a sentence that closes out the paragraph and leads to the next paragraph.


  • If you are a foodie, you need to add a trip to California to your bucket list.

Okay, now that you know how to write a paragraph, I’m going to give you a couple of topic sentences.

Use them to write a paragraph and then share your completed work with a friend or teacher or sibling (if you want).

And please share this article with someone who needs help with this topic.


  1. Canadian maple syrup is the best type of syrup you can buy.
  2. If you are a fan of fantasy fiction, you should read the Harry Potter novels.

Oh, and if you want to learn how to lengthen your paragraphs, read this post.