What is the Pomodoro Technique and How Can It Help You With Time Management?

The Pomodoro Technique is a method that many use to manage their time. They use it to complete tasks at work, school, or home.

Have you ever been stunned by the amount of work you need to complete?

I sure have.

When I was in college, I would constantly be overwhelmed by all the assignments and readings I had to do.

There would always be so much work! I always felt like I didn’t have enough time to finish it all.

If only I had known about the Pomodoro Technique –it would’ve helped me out a lot. It would’ve also reduced the amount of time I actually spent on my homework each day.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management method. It is used by many students and professionals.

This method encourages you to work deeply and undistracted in short blocks of time (usually 25 minutes) that are stacked up onto each other.

After each completed block, you get a short break before heading into the next chunk of time.

Who created it?

Francesco Cirillo developed the Pomodoro Technique in the 1980s.

He is the founder of Cirillo Consulting, a consulting company that helps firms improve and increase their productivity.

When Cirillo was in university, he wanted to accomplish more tasks in less time.

He wanted to understand how recording the amount of work done in chunks of time would improve his time management.

Thus, he created this technique.

“I discovered that you could learn how to improve your effectiveness and be better able to estimate how long a task will take to complete by recording how you utilize your time.”

How to do the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique has six steps.

First, and the most obvious, you have to determine what you want to get done. Is it an assignment for school? Is it planning out a trip? Do you want to write a short story?

Figure out what you want to finish (and it can be any task) and how to execute it during the Pomodoro interval.

Second, set a Pomodoro timer for 25 minutes. You can set it for longer or for shorter, but 25 minutes is the traditional time.

Additionally, you can use any timer available to you. But if you’re able to get your hands on a Pomodoro timer, setting up will be easier.

Third, work on your task and only your task.

Don’t get distracted by that notification beep. Matter fact, put your phone in silent and flip it upside down.

For the next 25 minutes, all you’re going to do is work intently on your task.

Fourth, when the Pomodoro timer goes off, you can take a 5-10 minute break.

But try not to do activities that will take too much attention away from your task. Don’t watch a video on YouTube or start window shopping online.

And definitely don’t play any videogames.

What you can do is reply to a message or go grab a drink of water.

You can also stand up for a bit and stretch. Go for a walk around the room.

Fifth, once the break timer goes off, repeat step 2. Get back into work mode and work on the task.

Sixth, after four Pomodoros have completed, take a 15-30 minute break.

If you were only intending on doing one Pomodoro cycle or only had to finish one task, then you can be done.

But if you have more tasks to do and need to do more cycles, then after your break, set up another one. Just repeat all the previous steps.

How is the Pomodoro Effective?

The Pomodoro Technique is really good for people who get distracted easily.

It breaks down your work time into short chunks that will appear approachable.

Likewise, it will force you to cut up your task into smaller tasks, making it less intimidating.

It will also add a sense of urgency. Because there are only 25 minutes to do work, you’ll feel like you have to complete as much as possible during that time.

Additionally, this method allows you to work deeply on the task at hand. Since it’s only 25 minutes per Pomodoro, it won’t fatigue you.

This will also reduce the time that you spend on your work.

Since you have to be fully focused, you’re not wasting time dillydallying on unimportant things, such as unnecessary research or fixing your pen.

Basically, you aren’t able to procrastinate, which, if you don’t know, wastes a lot of time.


The Pomodoro Technique is a great time management method.

It allows its users to focus only on their work during a period of time.

It makes them remove all distractions and only allows them to pay attention to their task.

Thus, start using it to study or do assignments.